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Compass Guide August 25:


This Upcoming Sunday at Compass:

Sunday, August 28: Join us for coffee at 9:30am. Our service starts at 10am. The Scripture reading will be Numbers 11:1-23; 31-34 and the title of Pastor Peter’s message will be “Disappointment with God.”

Sunday Offering for August 28: Reframe Ministries - Since 1939, our mission has been to proclaim that Jesus is Lord, help those who want to follow Jesus to know him better, and to strengthen the church. We are humbled that God is using us in such powerful ways to help people like you grow your faith and share the Gospel with others.

Service Videos: We will be posting the videos after the service. You can find these on our Compass Community Church Facebook page:

If you are not on Facebook, you can also view these videos on YouTube:

Volunteers for Sunday:

Door Greeter – Mary Faber

Church Life Centre – Ingrid Nordemann

Hall Monitor – Jane Buma

Deacon – Bonnie Fohkens

Nursery: Dorothy Haan & Tina Sandink

Children’s Worship – Cathy Van Arragon & Corrie Roemer

Easy Worship – Marlene Duister

Live Stream – Anna Bakelaar

Library – Johanna Schipper

Coffee Hosts – Ed & Mary Faber and Tonny Speelman

Residential Driver – Rick Nydam


Church News:

From the Administrative Elders: The Administrative Elders met on Wednesday, August 10. Volunteers are needed for various committees as well as our services on Sunday mornings. We need to apply for a business license to change our name to Compass Community Church. We will order new church directory binders with the Compass Community Church logo. Permission was given to move the drums to a different area so that the piano could be moved as well.


  • With September coming closer, already, we are need of committee members and volunteers for our Sunday worship services. The Faith Formation Team and Outreach Committee are looking for new members. We need volunteers for coffee hosts, nursery and Children’s Worship. There are signup sheets at the Church Life Centre.

  • When it is your scheduled Sunday to volunteer please check in at the Church Life Centre so we know you have arrived. Your name tag will be ready for you at the Church Life Centre as well. Please remember to return those after the service. Thank you!!

Sunday Offerings for September:

· Sunday, September 4 – Redeemer University

· Sunday, September 11 – Resonate Global Mission – Brian Bork

· Sunday, September 18 – Deacons

· Sunday, September 25 – Safe Church Ministry – Abuse Awareness Sunday

Treasurer Position: We are now looking to fill the position of Treasurer. If you are interested contact Janice Chachulski ( and she will provide you with a job description. Marlene is willing to work with the new treasurer for an easier transition. The deadline for applications is Monday, September 12, 2022.

Sunset Adventure: Thank you to everyone who joined us for the Sunset Adventure on Friday, August 19 at the bridge in Point Edward. We had a great night together and the weather was perfect! You can see all the pictures on our Compass Church Facebook page.

Church Family: We continue to pray for God’s comfort and peace for Andrew & Joanne Kingma and family. Mieke Postma is still at home and has requested no visitors at this time. We pray for Mieke and her family. She loves to receive cards in her mailbox. We continue to pray for Roger Voogt and Don Vanderheyden. As we are coming to the end of summer we pray for safe travels for visiting family and friends. We pray for our College and University students as they get ready to return to their courses again. It is a blessing to pray for and support each other as a church family.

If you have any concerns, prayer requests or reasons for blessings contact Pastor Peter, your elder, or Renata by email or phone call.

Happy Birthday and Blessings to:

· Nick Buma – Tuesday, August 30

· Barb Bax – Wednesday, August 31

· John DeVries – Saturday, September 3

· Tina Schalk – Tuesday, September 6

· Adrian Fonville – Thursday, September 8

· Tania Mulligan – Friday, September 9


Upcoming at Compass:


· Church Life Team – Wednesday, August 31 at 1:15pm

· Administrative Elders – Monday, September 12 at 7pm

Calendar of Events:

· Prayer Group – Thursday, August 25 at 7pm

· Circle of Friends – Wednesday, August 31 at noon

· Music Team Practice – Wednesday, August 31 at 8:30pm


News from our Church Community:

CRC Communications

Position Opening: Director of Synodical Services - Do you have leadership experience, a good understanding of CRC church polity and the Church Order, and a heart to serve the CRCNA? Consider applying for the position of Director of Synodical Services. In this role, you'll serve, support, and equip the governance of the Christian Reformed Church in North America (CRCNA), facilitating and administering all meetings and matters pertaining to Synod and the Council of Delegates. The Director will serve as the liaison between the Office of General Secretary, and classes in Canada and the U.S.; strengthen the capacity of synodical and COD members; equip its leadership; and promote best governance practices and continuous improvement. For details and to apply, go to

ReFrame Ministries: Courageous Creativity - Check out the kids’ devotion at God chose you to share his gift with the world in unique and creative ways! Perhaps God gave you the creative ability to sing songs about his love, to be a gospel storyteller, or to serve others with your talents. Listen now at and check out all the new content.

Family Fire: Family Fire is an online community exploring Spirit-led family, marriage, parenting, in-laws, blended families, and intimacy. Find encouraging articles and devotions at Subscribe for regular email updates and connect with our Family Fire community on Facebook.

Position opening: Donor Relations Manager - Join the team at ReFrame Ministries and support the work of sharing the gospel in ten languages around the world through media ministry! As donor relations manager, you'll build and strengthen relationships with new and current donors, create and implement a strategy to increase financial support and resources, represent the agency at events and gatherings, and encourage stewardly support from churches and individuals. This is a full-time position based in Burlington, Ontario. To learn more and apply, go to by September 16.

Groundwork: Salt and Light: A Kingdom Perspective on Jesus's Followers in the World - What are we to be like as Jesus’s disciples out in the world? How should we act? How should we interact? Join Groundwork as we study Matthew 5:13-16 to study the two declarative statements Jesus makes that tell us who we are as his followers and helps us understand how we should be. Listen now at and subscribe to Groundwork's weekly emails for future episodes.

Resonate Global Mission: Glocal Mission Podcast - How do we join God's mission locally and globally? That's what Resonate leaders Rich Braaksma and Nalini Suganandam aim to discover in this podcast, interviewing regional leaders and people doing awesome things (church planters, campus ministers, lay leaders, etc.) in a variety of contexts! Just five episodes in, this podcast in its infancy is already uncovering oodles of insight and inspiration. Plug in your earbuds and join us as we meet ministry leaders from around North America living out the gospel in their own contexts. Check it out at

40th Anniversary Weekend - Sept, 30-Oct. 1, 2022: Join us in September for Redeemer's 40th Anniversary Celebration! The weekend event will include a concert, alumni art exhibition reception, Royals vs. alumni sporting events and other festivities for the university's alumni and support community. We look forward to celebrating God’s faithfulness at Redeemer over the past 40 years and looking ahead to what’s next:


I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13


Renata Nydam

Compass Community Church

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